After some hard working shopping for perfect gifts on a tight budget, the students deserved a break to eat lunch. We stopped at Ocean's Buffet. This was a new experience for some students, but we made them eat real food before dessert.
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
We worked up an appetite.
Some of our teams made the choice to sit together at lunch.
The buffet was a new experience for some.
Lunch was great.
More pictures of student council doing Angel Tree shopping.
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
Finding the perfect gift is hard work.
So many choices!
We got this!
Now what? Sometimes it is hard to pick gifts for others.
While 2nd and 3rd grade enjoyed bowling, 4th and 5th grade played games. Then the 4th and 5th graders bowled while the 2nd and 3rd grade played games. It was a great day for the students who met their 2nd quarter AR goal.
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
Game time  before bowling.
5th graders liked pool.
So many choices!
Hanging with our buddies at the AR bowling trip.
Elementary Student Council worked hard to pack food packages for families in the area. Over 25 packages were packed to help spread Christmas cheer this season.
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
They really were working hard.
Double checking to make sure all the correct items are inside.
5th grade worked hard on keepsake boxes to give as Christmas gifts.
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
5th graders hard at work!
They did such a neat job!
Lots of effort!
So many choices!
Our student council teams were not finished when they returned to school. Everything thing had to be wrapped up and tied with a bow. Now our Angel Tree gifts are ready to go!
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
Wrapping up some fun!
Wrapping wasn't everyone's thing.
Younger students can teach older students too!
There was a lot to wrap.
5th grade worked hard on keepsake boxes to give as Christmas gifts.
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
The Plato Eagles defeated Dora, 65-34, tonight to take 5th place in the Mansfield tournament. Congratulations, Eagles! #platorv
about 3 years ago, Cayl Steinbrink
Mansfield Tournament
5th graders are working hard to complete their United States Regions Maps before Christmas Vacation.
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
Students work together to correctly identify each state and capital.
States are divided into regions based on similarities.
Technology helps us learn about the regions of the United States.
Life360 Snack Program Notice Much like the free lunch program that the school participates in with the federal government, there are funding avenues that Life360 partners with to ensure appropriate funding of the snack program used to provide for the Plato R-V students. With such funding mechanisms comes audit requirements. Within these new auditing requirements, the school will need to share a student names with the organization to aide them in tracking their food distribution and continue their funding opportunities. The school is doing everything they can to protect all other information regarding our students. The name on a roster will be the only information shared with the Life360 organization. Life360 will also be required to keep any and all information obtained completely confidential and archive the roster simply for their audit. If you have any comments or concerns with the school district or the Life360 organization pertaining to this change please feel free to contact the central office at 417-458-3333.
about 3 years ago, Brad Cooper
Life360 Logo
Pictures of the student council trip to shop for Angel Tree.
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
So many choices!
Lots of smiles and laughs.
Pause for a picture!
How about this one?
Shopping can be both fun and hard work.
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
Some teams worked together to share ideas about gifts.
So many choices!
Some teams bought shoes.
Everyone bought clothes.
On December 8th the student council members from both the high school and the elementary school went shopping for Angel Tree.
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
Each high school student council was teamed up with  one or two elementary student council members.
Everyone was excited to spread some Christmas cheer.
Elementary and high school student councils shop for Angel Tree.
Each high school student council was teamed up with  one or two elementary student council members.
The Elementary Student Council teamed up with the High School Student Council to spread some holiday cheer. The two groups partnered up to shop for 13 Angel Tree recipients. They journeyed to Wal-Mart to shop, shop, shop. The students had a lot of fun but also found out that shopping isn't all fun and games. Student teams had to stick to a budget and a wish list. For some groups it was a challenge to make the 2 lists match up. However at checkout all was thumbs up as wish lists were fulfilled and budgets were met.
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
Elementary and high school student councils shop for Angel Tree.
Each high school student council was teamed up with an elementary student council member.
Some high school members worked with two elementary members.
Teams were excited to get started.
The Elementary Christmas Concert was AMAZING! The gym was crowded with excited friends, family, and staff. Even Snowflake the Elf was in attendance. Christmas cheer and community pride surrounded all.
about 3 years ago, Sissy Edwards
4th and 5th grade sang Deck the Halls to open the concert.
There's Someone in the Chimney was the absolute cutest song ever.
During the final song part of the 4th grade sang The Christmas Song in German.
1st graders work hard to practice sight words and addition/subtraction.
about 3 years ago, Kristy Graber
Students use "marshmallow letters" to build sight words.
Students play sight word Candy Land.
Students complete polar number bonds to practice addition and subtraction.
Students play sight word Candy Land.
The Plato R-V School District is proud to serve the many military families who work and live in our community. We are committed to providing support, resources and enriching programs to enhance the educational experiences of those students and support their families.
about 3 years ago, Plato R-V Schools